It is called Finland’s most important shipping day and we welcome you to the Åland Maritime Day 14th May 2020! Actually we believe this day is important for all shipping and maritime stakeholders in the Nordic countries and beyond. We have more than one hundred exhibitors in Alandica and nearly four hundred delegates in place – meeting and greeting and eating together.
Virtually every business begins with a meeting between people. We who arrange The Åland Maritime Day would like that meeting to take place in Mariehamn in the Åland Island and we promise to do our best in order to create the best possible conditions for this and we hope to see you around.
This year’s edition of Maritime Day has something for everyone. You will find some of the world’s sharpest insurance brains and learn from their experiences. You meet people who on a daily basis work with future issues that concern us all. You can discuss common challenges with shipowners, ports, regulators, politicians, rescuers, classification experts, engineers and many more in order to find the tools that can strengthen organizations and develop employees. You will meet those who make difference in shipping, both at local and global level and experience factual and clever arguments.
Welcome to the Maritime Day in Åland Island, a selfgoverned autonomy in Finland, demilitarised and neutralised and 100 year in 2022!
More information
Sjöfartens Dag – Maritime Day 14.5.2020
Maritime Day and Mercy ShipRace 13-14 May_2020_webfolder 4 p information
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