The winner of its Young Ship Agent or Broker Award for 2018 is Filipe Miguel Dias Martins of Navex Empresa Portuguesa de Navegação, S.A, Portugal.
The Award was introduced in 2015 with the aim of encouraging members of the ship agency and ship broking profession aged 40 or younger to further their academic and practical training and education by researching and writing a thesis-standard paper on a maritimerelated subject of their choice.
The Award attracted five entries this year and these were reviewed and judged by a small committee headed by former FONASBA President and Honorary Member Gunnar J. Heinonen of Finland and supported by Charlotte Kirk FICS, Marketing Director of prize sponsors ITIC and Capt. Jakov Karmelić, FONASBA’s Vice President for Education.
Announcing the winner, Mr. Heinonen said “My colleagues and I really appreciated Mr. Martins’ entry, it was an excellent, energetic and forward-looking analysis of the threats and opportunities for our profession. The interactive test he set readers at the end of the paper was also a novel addition to his entry. We congratulate him and the other entrants for their high quality papers.”
More information about the Award on the FONASBA website
or download the paper here: